Sean Slovenski

SVP & President, Walmart Health & Wellness

Sean Slovenski currently serves as SVP & President of Walmart Health and Wellness. Just prior to this role Sean served as President of Population Health for Sharecare, a digital health company founded by Jeff Arnold (founder of WebMD) Doctor Oz and Oprah Winfrey.

Prior to ShareCare, Slovenski served as CEO for Care Innovations, a joint venture of Intel and GE Healthcare. Prior to Care Innovations, Slovenski served as President and Segment Vice President of Humana’s Health and Productivity Solutions business group. In this role, he led four industry-leading wellness and behavioral health businesses, uniting them behind a common vision while bolstering Humana’s expertise in total population health and wellbeing. Sean also served as CEO of HumanaVitality, the international joint venture between Humana and Discovery Health of South Africa, which was one of the largest and most proven wellness incentive companies in the world. Prior to joining Humana, Slovenski was Co-Founder and CEO of Hummingbird Coaching Services, widely considered the industry leader in online coaching and behavior management. Sold to Humana in 2010, Hummingbird Coaching Services grew out of Slovenski’s development and delivery of the online personal coaching product, one of the nation’s first large-scale wellness efforts in online health coaching servicing Fortune 500 companies.

A lifelong advocate of health and wellness, Sean earned his BA in Health & Physical Education from Bowling Green State University. He is an active member of several health related boards and a frequent speaker at national healthcare conferences.